International WSA award for IRMA app

Yesterday, the IRMA app won the international WSA award. To quote the article on why IRMA has won the award:

The Municipality of Amsterdam implements the ‘Digital City Agenda’ with the IRMA app and provides accessible and transparent services: residents are given control over their personal data via a digital identity.

James Webb - update

I just want to inform you that the James Webb telescope deployment went successfully and reached it’s final destination. Now the mirrors need to be aligned, and the instruments be activated. We can expect first results in June.

Doko online game development [part1]

I am starting to develop a Doppelkopf online game, and I want to describe in several parts how I approach this project.
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James Webb Telescope

On the 25th of December last year the James Webb Telescope started it’s yourney into space. In total it costs incredible 10 billion dollar to develop! After being deployed in space, it also takes some 29 days to get to the right destination, which is a gravitationally stable spot about 1.5 million kilometers from our planet. Also, unfolding all it’s parts is a risky operation. Luckily, just today, a press release said that the sunshield deployment is completed successfully!
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New German goverment and its digital plans

A summary of the digital and net policy plans of the newly formed German government coalition between SPD, FDP and the Green party.
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