On the 29th of November this year it was time for me again to do the “Wampex”.
The Wampex can be described as a walking/puzzle tour. The goal is to finish with your team as quickly as possible by walking fast and resolving the puzzles on the fly. This years edition had a total length of 27.5 km(!).
In order to follow the correct route, the team needs to solve up to 40 different puzzles. Some are more easier (follow blinking LEDs through a small forest), some are more difficult (a strip route where instructions are to leave ways on the left or right).

Our team, called the “Moddenkruipers” (free translated “mud crawlers”), consisted of 8 people, which was the biggest team size we ever had. Important to mention is that 4 of them never did a Wampex before. Hence after half of the route, at 13.9 km, we decided to take the shortcut resulting in that we had to walk 6 km less and do 8 less puzzles. But as a result, we gott additional 4 hours on our finish time. This is due to the fact that on the route there are posts, where you get a stamp from each one when you pass them. Also, you need to collect letters on the way, which need to be added to the notebook. If you miss a post (not the ones of the shortcut), you get additional 45 minutes added on your finish time. If you miss a letter, you get additional 15 minutes added on your finish time.
In the end, we walked around 8:29 hours for the short route (in total about 22.5 km). Our total time is 14:14 hours (shortcut and we missed one letter somewhere) resulting in the 70th position of in total 108 teams, which I am very proud of.
Wampex, see you next year again!