Two weeks ago I decided to accept an offer from the Radboud Universiteit in Nijmegen to promote there. The project is called Encryption for all. Based on the IRMA technology the project has the aim to find a solution to encrypt emails based on Attribute-Based-Encryption. There are 3 positions in the project team. One is the PhD position I’m going to fulfill, which is designing the process including cryptography and key management. Another PhD position has the role to research about the UI side of things. And the third position is a scientific developer, who supports both other positions by developing the software needed.
For my girlfriend and me this means that we will move to Nijmegen. Nijmegen is the oldest city in the Netherlands, and has a lot to offer in the city itself and its surroundings. Luckily, last Friday my offer on an apartment was accepted, and I am officially the buyer now. However, the contract needs to be signed, which will happen in the next days. From the apartment it is about 15 minutes biking to the university, and 25 minutes biking to the city centre. Also, closeby there are two bigger parks, and on one a tennis club is available. Additionally, a shopping centre and train station is located within 10 minutes of biking distance. Overall, it seems like a good buy, and I am confident that we make the apartment a cozy place for us to live.